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Technology shifts are disruptors; they change the way we work, 沟通, 开展业务, 甚至学习和教学. 从打字机到电脑, 计算机到互联网, 互联网到云, 从云到移动, 每一次飞跃都对我们的社会产生了变革性的影响, 业务, 个人的生活方式. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes an increasingly prevalent force across many aspects of life—the next technological shift in a long series of innovation phases—its impact on 教学 and learning methodologies has become a focal point of discussion on campuses nationwide. 围绕ChatGPT等工具的对话, 必应, 吟游诗人, 其他的也在海德罗伊斯冒出来, 太, 提出关注和启发机会. 

我们和家长联系, 学生, and professional community members who are using AI for a variety of tasks—from minor to massive—to hear their stories and apprehensions. Folks are experimenting with it; kicking its tires. 以下是我们了解到的情况, 还有什么问题挥之不去, including whether AI is a productivity 太l or if its misuse might supplant the purpose of learning? If we use it, how do we continue to support the development of critical 思考 skills in 学生? 我们如何确保公平使用,不扩大不平等? 

Dr. Jen司闸员

Dr. 詹妮弗·“珍”·布莱克曼, neurobiology and honors biology teacher, has already dipped her toe in the AI water, so to speak. As the new President of the Board of Directors of a masters swim team—the Manatee Aquatic Masters—she writes monthly greetings to the membership, 一项她特别不喜欢的任务. 她使用ChatGPT编写了第一条信息,然后加入了自己的声音. 来自游泳社区的积极反馈源源不断, 这增加了她内心对这段经历的矛盾. 一方面, 她说, “哦天哪, 和我本来可以写的东西比起来,它是如此的好,而且它节省了我很多时间!然而,尽管她对自己的人工智能伙伴心存感激, 她也表达了失望, “我在避免发展这项我将在未来两年使用的技能!“在学校里, she had 学生 compare their own summaries of scientific papers with those of ChatGPT in preparation for 写作 their mock grant proposal—their final project in Neurobiology—a graduate level assignment that hones argumentative 写作 skills. 学生们发现,虽然ChatGPT擅长于通过研究进行搅动, 帮助他们在短时间内了解当前的研究状况, 它经常遗漏或歪曲先前研究的重要部分. 她指出,

“It’s really important that we use AI…we have to teach 学生 how to use it well and also how and 当 to NOT use it. 我想让学生们知道ChatGPT可能比他们更快, 但它并不是一个比他们更好的思想家. “更重要的是,她继续说道, “写作对学生进一步发展自己的思维能力很重要.” She believes AI is here to stay and teachers must be prepared—which she hopes means time for professional development and collaboration with colleagues.


“The latest iteration of Adobe Creative Cloud introduces generative AI 太ls that I have begun 教学 to my photography 学生,” 哈利穆尼斯,摄影教师.  He explains that he and his 学生 have discussed both the implications of using AI in the creative process and the ethical questions that it raises—like what does “authorship” mean in the AI age? 到目前为止, 他指出, “学生 who have used this technology have done so to expand the visual possibilities of photography in creative and thoughtful ways,“然而, 他警告说, “这项技术仍有许多悬而未决的问题.”


托马斯Kuoh, 在校生的家长, 他还将Photoshop的新生成人工智能用于他的专业摄影业务. “它帮助我们快速集思广益、研究、写作和迭代想法.” It also helps improve and speed up workflows by automating processes that would otherwise take a long time for an individual to tackle. 最后, 他说, “它仍然只是一个工具, 结果取决于使用者的技巧和品味.”

通过调查, 我们了解到学生们已经使用人工智能来总结报告, 写文章作为作业的一部分, 进行研究, 查找技术语言的定义, 并形成演讲比赛的想法,比如在辩论中使用的那些. One student shared that their 上学校 history teacher assigned the class the task of 写作 an essay using ChatGPT with evidence-based prompts, 报价, 以及其他原始材料. 学生们根据提示中使用的证据的质量进行评分. “我个人不太喜欢这个任务, because I like being able to have control over what I am 写作 and not just blindly turning in something, 尽管那是任务. 我对人工智能的感觉很复杂, 我真的不喜欢老师告诉我们要用它, 但它确实有它的好处!一位高年级学生分享道. 

中学 学生 are currently using a science curriculum published by CK12 which has an AI empowered tutor built into the online textbook. “Flexi”这个导师很有趣,因为它可以创造类似的解释例子, framing information in more relatable terms for individual 学生—a herald of the personalization AI promises to bring. While it’s 太 early to say if or how Flexi is impacting learning in 7th and 8th grade science classes, 我们当然渴望听到更多.


“人工智能是什么的核心支柱 贾斯汀艾拉妮丝, a lifelong entrepreneur and current parent of two Head-Royce 学生, has made his life's work.“他的冒险,故事.Co, 是他和他哥哥一起开始的吗, is what he calls “a next generation entertainment platform at the nexus of the creator economy.根据ChatGPT 3.5, "a creator economy refers to the economic system that has emerged with the rise of digital platforms and technologies, 使个人能够创造, 分发, 并将自己的内容货币化.“在创造者经济中, 个人, 通常被称为“创造者”,“利用在线平台分享广泛的内容, 包括视频, 文章, 播客, 艺术, 和更多的. 贾斯汀解释说,制作一部好莱坞电影是一项非常昂贵的冒险. The process of creating and distributing a multimedia production involves many people with highly specialized skills including voice over, 计算机生成图像, 实景视频, 播客, 和插图. “想想TikTok这样的应用,”他建议. “这是每个人的创意引擎,任何人都可以成为创造者. Tools like these are gaining momentum worldwide and lowering the barrier to be a creator—to tell your story to larger audiences.” AI makes it possible to create multimedia content with all the same elements with fewer people. 他保证说:“人工智能在所有这些方面都做得很好. 曾经需要成千上万的演员,现在只需要几个人就能完成.

“Humans still need to be at the helm—the human element needs to guide the direction and the spirit of the story,贾斯汀强调. 当被问及他对人工智能和教育的看法时, 他相信,“学生们绝对会通过人工智能学会如何成为批判性思考者, 事实上, 人工智能可以帮助学生成为一个更具批判性的思考者.他认为,学生们需要知道如何在未来利用人工智能, “孩子们仍然需要, 更甚于以往, 培养扎实的阅读基础技能, 写作, 思考, 和口语. 如果他们能掌握这些技能, then there is an opportunity to leverage AI even more powerfully to improve and build upon their work, 为AI提供更好的提示, 并在未来与人工智能更和谐地合作. 但是要做到这一点, 您需要了解该工具的优点和缺点,并能够进行批判性思考."


乔尔·孙, 政策及策略措施学院助理校长, has used AI to crunch through data that 他说 would have taken him weeks to organize and process. “所以从效率的角度来看,我发现它非常有帮助,”他强调说. “在制度上, 我觉得我们的立场是好奇和好奇, 不是恐惧或厌恶. 人工智能在学习中的应用, 教学, and the 业务 operations of the school will take critical engagement and philosophical discipline—both of which take time.他承认,人工智能不会在一夜之间实现, 但笔记, “我们在讨论如何, 当, 以及我们为什么要使用它,以及对我们的方法进行深思熟虑.”

考虑到这些账户正处于下一次技术巨变的风口浪尖, 对教育的影响越来越明显. 我们社区成员分享的故事, 包括教育工作者, 父母, 和学生, paint a complex picture of both the promises and challenges AI presents in the realm of 教学 and learning. Dr. Brakeman's experience with ChatGPT highlights the efficiency gains but also raises questions about the balance between convenience and skill development. 哈利穆尼斯和托马斯Kuoh从艺术的角度提供了见解, 探索人工智能工具的创造性可能性和伦理考虑. 与此同时, 我们的学生已经在以各种形式接触人工智能, 从总结报告到利用人工智能导师, 强调教育领域整合的早期阶段. 

当我们在这个不断变化的空间中航行时, one constant resonates: the importance of cultivating critical 思考 skills alongside AI adoption, ensuring that 学生 not only use these 太ls effectively but also understand their nuances and limitations. 人工智能即将成为一股变革力量, the educational journey will undoubtedly be shaped by a delicate balance between harnessing technological advancements and preserving the indispensable human touch.


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Andy Rabens '01, 负责国际经济和全球伙伴关系的副总统特别顾问, 在空军一号旁边
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